
这几天一直在看Bashar的Quest for Truth这本书。

Bashar是Darryl Anna自称通灵到的外星人,此书是很多人问Bashar时的问答集合。不管你的信仰如何,通过读这本书可以获得很多看事物的新角度。


One of them simply is, if that individual has chosen now to become non- physical, then you can assist them in the transference from physicality to non- physicality, so that there will be a small or no degree of confusion about where they are and what they can do once they are non-physical. Because many individuals in your reality will find that once you become non- physical, you may at first carry with you the strongest belief you had about life when you were still physically alive. And that will create a reality around you that you will perceive to be the real reality. Because you are non-physical, you are a thought-form in a world of thought-forms, and what you think is instantly what seems to be physically real around you. And that is why many individuals may not even know they have died, when they have died.


Therefore, you can be of great assistance to that individual if they have chosen to become non-physical, to allow them to become non-physical with dignity, with joy and effortlessness, with love, with ecstasy, with ease... to allow them to know, to allow them to remember that it is only the idea of stepping from one room to another room in the same house. That is all death is. They have made their choices. Allow them to do so with dignity. There is no real separation; there is no real loss. The love is always there; it is always able to be felt. You are never out of touch unless you believe that you are. So allow yourself to simply take stock of what you are learning about yourself from this situation, because there is obviously a reason why you are involved with that individual and why they are going through what they are going through at this time. There is something for you to learn about yourself as well as what they are learning about themselves.


Use all the knowledge in a positive way and you will enlighten yourself. Raise your vibratory level and you may then be quite astonished to find that if and when they choose to make their transference to non-physicality, your willingness to treat the whole endeavor in a positive way, by raising your vibration, will mean that when they transfer into non-physical reality they are not actually "so far above you" as you used to think. Just a little side-step to the comer, that is all. The difference between physical reality and non-physical reality, what you call physical life and physical death, is not as large as you think. It is a very, very short step between your physical vibration, that which makes you physical, and that which allows you to be non-physical. A very short step, very short.


You are quite consciously holding yourself in physical reality, if that is where you find yourself to be. A very small shift is all that is required to go into non- physical existence. Therefore, allow yourself to project your love to that individual so they can use your love to slide gently into that next vibratory level. Then you will remain in communication as you need to and you will not feel that you are out of touch.



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力量与正直 - by 西奥多・罗斯福

力量与正直 - by 西奥多・罗斯福

西奥多·罗斯福的演讲“Strength and Decency”主要讨论了力量与道德品质之间的重要关系。他认为,一个健康运转的社会不仅需要强大的领导力和活力,还需要高尚的品德和道德标准。罗斯福强调,真正的力量并不仅仅体现在身体的强壮或军事的强大,还包括精神上的坚定和道德的正直。他主张,具有强大力量的人应该用其力量为社会的正义和道德发展服务,而不是仅仅追求个人的利益与权力。他力求激励听众认识到道德作为社会基础的重要性,以及每个公民在社会进步中所担负的责任。这个演讲呼吁人们在追求个人和国家强盛的过程中,不要忽视品德和诚信。


